Friday, June 27, 2008


Well, its been a long time coming everyone, but the change is officially taking place. BVP is closing its doors---however not in the sense you are thinking. BVP is undergoing a lot of changes in preparation for the move to Virginia. The biggest change is going to be our business name. It has been brought to my attention that there are several other "Bella Vita Photography" businesses that have popped up around the US. This has caused a lot of confusion for clients looking to get information as well as book sessions.

Thanks to a great chica--Tiffany at On the Spot Studio

we have worked up a great new logo to help get the word out about the new business name.

Along with the new business name, there will be some changes in pricing and policies. Please make sure visit the updated site and read through the changes that will be put in place within the coming weeks. Some of the changes include offering complimentary photo CDs with the purchase of the Addison Collection, and custom framing options for prints.

Please make sure to bookmark the new site web address

for easier access. As of Saturday, June 28th the old web address will no longer be active. This blog will continue to remain up, however future postings will be made to the new ECP Blog which can be found at:

I cant wait to make a fresh start with our new site, logo, and other great products that will be unveiled in the coming months! To all of our past clients, thank you so much for your support and beautiful faces---to future clients of Erin Colleen Photography, I can't wait to meet you!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We have a WINNER!!!!

Congratulations to our winning photograph, number 9!!!! With a commanding lead with over 500 votes, he was without a doubt chosen to represent Bella Vita Photography in the new fresh faces campaign! Thanks to all of your votes, our winner will receive a complimentary custom photography session on location at a location of his choice in Jacksonville, Florida. He will also receive a complimentary 8x10 print from his session.

Once again I want to thank all of the contestants and their parents for submitting their photos to the contest. In my mind, they are all beautiful and winners, however the general public could only choose one.

Once again thank you and congratulations!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Let the Voting Begin!!!

The photos have been submitted and organized, so now all that's left to do is leave it up to the world to vote for the new Fresh Face of BVP here in Jacksonville!

Voting will begin the moment I post your child's photograph. Make sure to send out an email to family, friends, co-workers---ANYONE and get them to submit their vote for your child! Remember, the photo that receives the most number of votes will receive a complimentary custom photography session and free 8x10 print from Bella Vita Photography!

The time for voting will stay open for one week. Polls will close at midnight on June 16th. There is only one vote allowed per registered IP address as well, so no multiple votes from one computer :)

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who took the time to submit their child's photograph. You have GORGEOUS children and should be proud!


The photographs will be posted here in order from 1-10. Along the sidebar of the blog page on the right you will see a box that has choices from 1-10 along with bubbles to click. Choose the number of the photo you want to win and click the bubble. Easy peasy :)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a blog comment or contact me directly via email:












Friday, May 30, 2008

Announcing Garrett

I had the opportunity to meet Garrett when he was just a couple of days old. He made his way into the world weighing in at 5lbs 11oz but he is just beautiful! He has the wrinkliest fingers I have ever seen, the deepest blue eyes, and a head full of hair! Happy Birthday little guy!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fresh Faces--Jacksonville Edition!

Its time once again for BVP to hold its "Fresh Faces" contest. Find your favorite picture of your little one(s) and send them to me via e-mail. I will hold the submission time open until June 8, 2008. After that date I will post all submissions here on my blog. Once all photos have been posted, you will be invited to vote for your favorite photograph. Tell your friends,neighbors, family etc about your child's picture. Voting will be open for a period of one week.

The child who receives the most votes will win a COMPLIMENTARY portrait session and a free 8x10 from their session. This contest is open to all ages! For more information please feel free to e-mail me or contact me via phone.


phone-- 904-251-5146

Friday, May 23, 2008

I have arrived.....

It seems like lately all I have done is run run run from one state to another, but I can finally say I am done with traveling for awhile (except vacation!). We are settled in back "home" in Atlantic Beach, Florida---Jacksonville area.

Things are looking great! I am working to set up a "Beach Babies" event that will be giving one person a FREE photo session on the beach for their baby, so check back soon for those details!

Other updated news is that my MOO cards are on their way. What is a MOO card you ask? They are special cards that I will be leaving with businesses I frequent that are all over the beaches. Why are they so special? Well, if you get MOO'd, you will receive 25% off your session fee! If you book your session before the end of June I'll even give you a free 8x10 from your session as well! How's that for getting Moo'd?

All in all, things are great for BVP. Although I will only be in Florida for about 4 months, I am hoping to stay busy create some beautiful art!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Whew what a wirlwind!!!!

Whew! Things have been SO crazy lately. We finally received our orders to move halfway accross the world from Hawaii to Newport News, VA. We will be getting there sometime soon, although Im not exactly sure when. We had a little under a week to set up for a move and travel from the date we received the orders. It was in INSANE! The packers were great and really handled our belongings well. The house has been cleaned for the most part and Greg is tying up loose ends with work, housing, and everything else before he heads this way. All I can say is that having a week to pack and move is not something I would wish on my worst enemy!!!

Anyway, we are finally in Texas and things are great. The weather is gorgeous and its been good to see family again. We are staying in Houston for about 2-3 weeks and then will be heading to either Georgia or Florida.

I would love to do some work while here, but don't know if I'll have the opportunity. If anyone in the Houston/Katy area are interested in swapping or having a photo session done, please let me know!

I'll update again soon!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.......

This morning The Today Show aired an interview with a very special family and photographer. The photographer, Jessica Persons is one of over 3,000 affiliated volunteers with the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep organization. Please take a moment to view the video of this mornings interview.

What is NILMDTS?

The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation gently provides a helping hand and a healing heart. For families overcome by grief and pain, the idea of photographing their baby may not immediately occur to them. Offering gentle and beautiful photography services in a compassionate and sensitive manner is the heart of this organization. The soft, gentle heirloom photographs of these beautiful babies are an important part of the healing process. They allow families to honor and cherish their babies, and share the spirits of their lives.

The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation (NILMDTS) administers a network of nearly 3,000 volunteer professional photographers in the United States and eight International countries.

This is a wonderful organization and I am proud to be a part of it. Giving parents something as simple as a photograph to help them remember their last moments with their child is an amazing gift. Please take a moment to visit their site, or even help spread the word about this group.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stacy and James

Last weekend Stacy and James invited me to be a guest at their vow renewal cermony out at Foster's Point. It was beautiful!!! As always, the "bride" was glowing, the people were having a great time, and the food and decorations were gorgeous.

Well, Stacy and I got to talking and we decided to trash her dress! If you frequent my blog and website, you'll know that I LOVE doing these type sessions. They are almost as fun as the wedding itself! She even talked James into coming out as well to trash his renewal outfit.

We had a fabulous afternoon! We were able to take some more traditional type poses along with the trashing!! We were even able to get a bit more romantic---but I'll wait and let them show you those Here's a bit of a sneak peak to hold you all over until I can finish proofing and editing the rest of the shots. Enjoy!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Not quite a newborn anymore.....

Remember those wonderful photos from the birth I did about a month ago? Well, Miss Paige has grown significantly since then. She is thriving and growing more beautiful everyday! She came over to the garage studio ready for her debut modeling session ;)

She had a bit of a rough start and christened my black backdrop as well as my cream one if you know what I mean!! Poor little girl was SOOOOOOOOOOO tired and not feeling well but she still managed to smile for the camera a couple of times. Enjoy the sneak peak everyone~~